About EntropoMetrics

About EntropoMetrics

Globalization and the IT-revolution have catapulted the industrial revolution towards unprecedented levels, changing the world and our societies faster than ever before. This has resulted in a huge increase in quality of life for many, but is also wreaking all kinds of havoc on both our natural environment and social cohesion. Energy availability and consumption has skyrocketed and are still increasing. Economic complexity (logistic infrastructure, financial markets, supply-chains, consumption profiles, financial markets) has grown into absolutely wild territories.

Social and economic policy-making are dealing with completely different animals today, than those of 50 years ago. The current level of economic complexity comes with new classes of sensitivity to changes, and so-called 'systemic crises' (most recently the GFC 2008, global supply-chain crisis following the covid-outbreak, etc), requiring a new class of diagnostic and policy frameworks.

In the current environment, interventions targeted at a single problematic aspects seem futile, as everything has become hyper-interdependent. Interventions therefore often miss target and have many unwanted side-effects. It has become even become virtually impossible to a assess cause-and-effect of policy interventions as a whole. Everything is connected, resulting in what is called a non-linear dynamic system, where cause and effect remain meaningful only at a systemic level.

Systemic diagnostics and policy-making require a totally different kind of toolset then mainstream economics provides. It requires a type of framework that can deal with this class of systems. Luckily this type is readily available already in many natural-science paradigms.

At EntropoMetrics Martijn has developed a synthetic paradigm of complexity-sciences (chaos-theory, catastrophe theory and non-linear dynamics) and thermodynamics, which allows for a diagnostic framework at the deepest undercurrents of our global system. In fact, it allows for all earth systems (the ecosystem, climate system, social, economic and technological systems etc) to be treated as a single super-system, with a single energy-metabolism.

The main thesis is that this metabolism has a single optimization logic which can be analyzed with this paradigm in a qualitative and quantitative way, allowing for for the development of a fundamentally based and empirically driven policy-development framework.

The quantitative framework is developed to determine the existence and identification of the (sub-)systemic aspect at hand for which an entropy can be properly defined.

This synthetic paradigm has been completed at the theoretical level, and has been succesfully applied towards several aspects of our financial-economic domain, and fully explains the occurrence of what we call 'living organisms' and 'economic growth', in a prescriptive way rather than a descriptive way.

It is currently being developed further towards practical application levels, and as such, EntropMetrics is supposed to serve as a Center of Expertise of applied complexity sciences, specifically to address our current global polycrisis.

A Center of Expertise on nonlinear thermodynamic complex-systemic macro-analysis of human-centered and natural domains.

About Martijn

Martijn Veening (1972) is a generalist with a background in mathematics, philosophy and IT, and a keen interest in economics, the natural sciences, (legal) history and psychology.

The Great Financial Crisis of 07/08 for him served as a trigger to pick up on chaos-theory again, to try to understand what this economic system actually 'wants', and try to find out how deep the rabbit hole of system dynamics actually is, in order to get at the root cause of our current global predicaments, and find a pathway towards resolving them.